Second thoughts Started by: Abigail Bullock

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    Hey girls,

    Just need a bit of advice. Since I was about 17 I have always wanted my boobs doing. Trying clothes on, being in a bikini just upset me, I’ve never felt womanly, but now that I have paid my deposit I’m having doubts… Is it the right thing to do, its a lot of money, will I suit them etc.
    Before paying I was dead set on getting them done but now I’m worried, need someone to tell me it’s the best thing they have done


    Alex 119

    I felt the same the day before my op but I’m so glad I’ve done it! Even though they’re still strapped up I love them already:). I think it’s normal to be worried, you are about to have surgery after all! I waited 5 years before plucking up the courage to get them done, wish I’d done it years ago. Hope you come to a decision you’re comfortable with xox


    Thank you for replying, yeah I think I’m just worrying myself as I have never had any form of surgery before. I’m sure once they are done I’ll love them! Happy healing xx

    Jodie 39

    @abbey19 Hey hunni, I have wanted mine done since I was 18, now 24, and I am getting them done in 2 weeks. I feel the same, I am really nervous, but after looking on the forums and people saying how much they love them, it’s keeping me on the positive side 🙂
    I have never had surgery before either so feel really nervous but apparently there’s nothing to be nervous about 🙂
    It’s the most common procedure in the UK so it can’t be too bad srely 🙂


    I know not one person has wrote anything negative so that is making me feel a bit better. My surgery isn’t until June because of Uni and holidays so I have loads of time to research a bit more and calm myself down haha! Good luck with your surgery xxx

    Alex 119

    Thank you flower 🙂 you can always make more appointments with your surgeon or PC if you’ve got more questions. This forum was a god send for me before my op because I was worried sick! The confidence boost you’ll feel afterwards will be worth the nerves 🙂 honestly the best thing I’ve ever done. Good luck for your op:) xox

    Nicole 12

    I had the same feeling, Like i’m student too, so for us its a hella lot of money isn’t it, but i just think you have to do what makes you happy, its natural to have doubts

    you will love them when you have them !! I cant wait for mine 😀

    Good luck hun 🙂 xx

    Charlie 35

    i had the same thought and thats why i was putting off doing it for so long. i only plucked up the courage last week to organise an initial consultation and ive already got my surgery booked!!! i’m about to change my body forever so that’s why it is scary! but i’ve not seen anyone on here regret their decision and that really helps! hope you are ok! Xxxx


    Thank you girls, I know I will love them and that its the right decision! Im scared/exctied/happy/worried all at the same time haha xxx


    Reading this has made me feel better. I also am so self conscience about my boobs and have been for over 5 years!! I’m having second thoughts but I iust think about not worrying about the beach, pool, underwear and clothes ! It’ll make such a difference for me! I hate beach days with the girls now I’ll feel normal! It’ll be so worth it!! Xx

    Jennifer 90

    Hi hun, i’m not as far along as you (my 1st consultation is on mon) but i feel the same I keep worrying about the surgery etc, the whole process terrifies me & makes me have 2nd thoughts! I can’t even go to the dentist or have an injection! Lol so no idea how i’m gonna cope 🙁 but this forum and the ladies on it are a godsend , it’s reassured me loads & I know it’s what I want i’m just a wimp! Good luck with everything & hope you don’t mind the add 🙂 xx

    Vanessa 56

    Hi Jennifer!
    I cry in the dentist waiting room before I am even in the chair I’m such a baby!
    I faint when I have my bloods taken.
    I’ve not yet had my op but I have been under General Anaesthetic before and it’s like magic once you are out cold!
    To say how much I don’t like the dentist etc… the actual operation is thing I’m least worried about!
    it’s one needle in your hand and you are out like a light and it’s really not that scary!

    Trace 158

    I was exactly the same, just as I was about to part with that deposit I freaked out and thought what the hell am I doing!!!!!

    What if they look ridiculous, what if I die!?!!

    All sorts of nonsense, but then I realised I’ve been wanting this for a loooong time, so feck it hahaha xx


    Thank you all so much!! You have put my mind at ease, the pain and worrying will all be worth it in the end xx

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