Sensitive boobies!! Started by: Gina

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  • Gina 47

    Hi girls I’m nearly 3 week post op and my boobs are so so sensitive. They feel like there constantly rubbing on my bra even when I’m not moving! Is this normal? I still can’t feel my nipples much but around the nipple area is so so sensitive! Help please! ,,

    Sophie 14

    Gina mine are feeling exactly the same!! And when I’m really cold my god don’t I just know about it!! How come when it’s cold I get a right nipple on as though my boobies can feel the cold yet when I touch my boobs they are still really numb?? Are you still wearing your Macom? I’m tempted to buy one of the high impact sports bras from M&S and wear that until my 6 week appointment? I don’t feel comfy in my Macoms anymore! 🙁 xxxx

    Gina 47

    Yeah I’m exactly the same! I still can’t really feel much of the underneath either. I wear my macom to sleep in cos it’s comfy but I bought two sports bras from Asda! 2 for 7 pound! There comfy and have a lower cleavage than the macom so easier to wear tops. My nurse said these are absolutely fine to wear! Xxxxx

    Kim 21

    Hi girls ,I only used my Macoms for the first week.Once the swelling was gone down,I felt much comfy with the M&S extra high impact bra .They are so good .Give it a try ,Sophie …

    Nikki 22

    Hi girls, I was exactly the same – very sensitive and when it was cold I felt like my whole boob contracted not just my nipple! I still have ‘odd’ sensation in the lower half of my boob at 10 weeks. I did have an uplift though so I’d put it down to that but maybe it’s normal????xx

    Sophie 14

    I am going to Kim 🙂 I tried one on earlier and felt much more comfortable and supported! I don’t know why I didn’t buy it. I’ll go back in tomorrow and get one. I think the sensitivity is pretty normal by the sounds of things. Girls… Is it normal for one breast to look different from the other at nearly 3 weeks?? I feel like mine have really reduced in size and hoping the size increases a little when the D&F process happens! Xxx

    Gina 47

    I think it’s normal Sophie. My right looks so good but my left still looks pretty high and swollen xxx

    Sophie 14

    I hope so Gina, I just want them to look the same and I can’t wait to have more lower pole once the implants drop xxx

    Charlotte 24

    One of mine is so sensitive and the other I can’t really feel! Hope they sort themselves out soon haha! I think it’s just the nerves reconnecting and can take months and months for them to go back to normal xx

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