Should i be worried? Started by: Illy

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  • Illy 10

    I keep getting a sharp pain in my right boob the pain moves around and only stops wen i put an ice pack on it feels like my implant is trying to pop out! Is this normal? Im 1 week post op with 290cc unders

    Holly 9

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    Hi Illy,

    I had exactly the same ..especially my left boob had a lot of stabbing pains. I have 425cc, HP, unders and for the first 2 weeks post op I had horrible sharp pains it felt like inside something was ripping. I still have sharp pains now -3 weeks post op- some days worse than others and putting an ice pack on there just makes it all go away. I was told by my nurse that it’s very normal as when you have unders, all nerves are cut open as well as the muscles which just takes a long time to heal and will cause sharp stabbing pains etc. I wouldn’t worry too much it’s all part of the healing process! I was worried a lot so had an additional appointment with my nurse and she put my mind at ease and told me that stabbing pains are very normal and common, especially after having unders. Just keep putting the ice packs on there! They have literally helped me so much, I still do it at least an hour everyday. The stabbing pains will ease off week by week xxx

    Laura 25

    I keep getting stabbing pains just in one boob too. I’m 4 days post op.

    from googling it looks like it’s fairly normal so I’m not too worried at this stage.

    Illy 10

    Thanks so much ladies i feel calm no xxx


    @illy123 I had the same, seriously felt like a chest-burster!

    Rebekah 174

    Yeah I had it too ! They were like electric shocks ! Xxxx

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