Sitting so high :( Started by: Emma Glasgow

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    I had my op yesterday going from 34a and had 260/290cc moderate profile unders, currently wearing a 34D. I was wondering girls, is it normal for them to be sitting so high, making your nipples seem pretty low down? When I had a look at them this morning I felt quite emotional and worried Incase they don’t get more natural looking. Please help girls :(( xx

    Samantha 1

    Totally normal. Your really really early on in your healing process, it’ll take months for them to settle properly. They’ll drop loads in the next few weeks, give it some time xx


    Hi Emma, can I add you please. I had 250cc a week and a half ago. Mine are sitting really high at the moment but it’s completely normal. I’ve found an interesting boob website of pics very soon after post op and the same boobs months down the line… Has put my mind at ease xx

    Casey 1

    That website is great for compariosn pics of problems staright after op and results a few months after. Thanks Jakki


    Thanks casey, I think we all get a bit too preoccupied with how they look straight after the op. It’s easy to forget they’re still healing after a completely invasive procedure xx

    Laura 13

    Yer totally normal. Theyl change so much over the coming weeks.

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