Sizes Started by: Ashley

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  • Ashley 10

    Had my consultation with Dr Marcellino this morning. He was behind so I feel like my consultation was rushed but either way I’m happy. He seems lovely and I’m soooo excited for surgery on 9th march!
    He’s offered me 3 sizes of 350. 375, and 400 from a 32a, I’m a size 10, 10 stone and 5’6. He said he is reluctant to to give me 400 but we will see on the day!
    I’m hoping to become a D or DD, so I’m wondering what size would be best for me.
    I’m having overs as high profile! Excited to see how they will turn out but also nervous about overs… Should I be worried?!


    Elizabeth 14

    Hiya lovely, I’ve got the same starting stats as you, my op is 20th of feb. I asked my surgeon, Mr Singh, to get me to a DD and he’s giving me 400cc high profile overs, he said he wouldn’t go any higher cause he was worried about rippling.
    What about having overs makes you worry? xx

    Ashley 10

    Ahhh it’s good to hear someone is having the same! I know there’s more risk with overs and more people seem to have partials or indeed so trying to find people with overs for advice haha. Thanks for your reply. Has settled my feeling a little

    Ashley 10

    I meant unders not indeed lol xx


    Hiya I’ve git marcellino on the 23rd feb my stats are lower than yours size 8, 7.5 stone, and 5.2 currently a 32a I’m only getting 275s as such a small frame and getting unders!

    He was rushed with me also but I just ran through it all after with the pre op nurse as my appointments were one after the other! Good luck!

    Ashley 10

    Awww how exciting!! I have my pre op on Wednesday do will ask some questions then!
    Thanks for the replies girls

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