Sleeping Started by: Holly

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  • Holly 14

    I will be 2 weeks post op on Friday and my nurse said to sleep still sitting upright slightly until the 2 weeks but the last few days I’ve been fine sleeping on my back as thats how I keep waking up in the morning. Did anyone else sleep laying on the back before 2 weeks?

    Bethany 11

    Hi Holly, my surgeon told me to sleep however was comfortable straight after the op and not to worry about sleeping upright or back sleeping. I found it most comfortable to sleep upright for my boobs the first week anyway, then moved onto my back at about 9 days. Then I’ve been sleeping on my sides from 13 days, I put a pillow under my boob just to support it a bit. So don’t worry too much about it. I’m now 3 weeks today xx

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