So so excited/nervous!! Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 15

    Hi lovelies!!! I’ve had my pre op and all went smooth and surgery is going ahead for the 11th!!! Firstly I’m about a 34a and a b the other side so not even! I’m going for 375cc unders has anyone got any pictures if they had similar stats to give me a rough idea?! Also going under muscle. I don’t think I’ll be staying in hospital overnight so could anyone share their experiences on that?! I’m so so nervous about being put to sleep and the recovery but equally I cannot wait to finally feel body confident!!! Xx

    Marilyn 34

    Hi Charlotte I haven’t had my opp yet I’m going March 18 but also having 375 unders 😀 what profile are you having? I’m so excited. I’ll probably be following your recovery journey hope your opp goes well hun xx

    K 6

    Omg im 34A as well and im going for 375cc under same like you hun xxx! Just can’t decide to stay with 375cc or ask again for 400cc girlzzz ? I choosed moderate profile but I’m thinking about high profile to get more ‘fake’ look. I’m also would like to see pictures from someone with similar stats !! Grilzz, please

    Charlotte 15

    When are you both booked for!? So excited to see your results. I wanted a more natural look but my surgeon is placing my implants high I believe?! Going for my last consultation today ? xx

    Kristy 44

    I have not had my operation yet, I am booked in for the 24th of March, but I’ll share with you my plans and why. So I had originally wanted to be in the hospital, close to all the drugs and brilliant nurses however I noticed a theme of staff saying I wouldn’t get my rest. This is certainly congruent with my work as a nurse in a hospital, the patients really did not get any real rest. I also knew that travel increases risks and also I HATE car journeys.

    I decided to compromise, I am instead staying in the closest hotel. Because my surgery is taking place in London and I could be called in at 7am, I have decided to arrive the day before (23rd) and then have the op on the 24th, return to the hotel to recover and then checkout late the next day (25th). Easy peasy, no car journey stress for me before or after the op.

    Jade 6

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    I’m a 32AA and hopefully having 375cc too (if they fit!) I’m having teardrops under the muscle for a more natural look because I’m so skinny on top! My surgery is booked for the 4th of March so I’ll post some photos before you have yours so you have an idea!
    I’m also 5’5 and about 7st 10lbs Just so you have some rough stats xxx

    Sbowdell 15

    I had 500cc overs on 11th feb and was panicking about being put to sleep as I had a bad experience the last time I had general anaesthetic. The theatre team were absolutely AMAZING, really put me at ease when I mentioned I was quite nervous and there really is nothing to worry about. I woke up feel a bit groggy but soooooo worth it. It takes a while for the pain to go and I was in pain for over a week. Make sure you take regular pain relief and listen to your body, if you are tired, sleep and don’t over do it.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Sbowdell 15.
    Charlotte 15

    Did Any of you ladies have uneven boobs?! I’m so worried they are going to look terrible too once they are done:( xxx

    Marilyn 34

    Yea mine are uneven so he’s guna use two different sizes if he can. One might drop faster or not but they should even out I’ve seen a few ppl with different sized implants and you can’t even tell. I’m having ultra high profile as I’m narrow framed or something xx

    K 6

    Mine is booked for 15th April ? can’t wait xx
    I’ll do some photos before and after, I hope I’ll get 400cc I’m gonna ask my surgeon next time Again ?

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