Some help please guys hIGH PROFILE IMPLANTS Started by: PerkieDs

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  • PerkieDs 12

    Hi guys

    i have 315cc high profile implants over the muscle

    in a few months i want to get a revision to 400cc high profile,

    but will the width of the larger high profile implant decrease with a high profile implant.

    im quite confused,

    high profile implants have a narrower base. so will a 400cc high profile implant have a smaller width or larger width than the 315cc high profile implant

    im worried going a bit bigger with increase the gap between my breast

    thank you

    Marilyn 34

    It wil have a larger width if you look at the mentor catalogue it explains them in more detail 315 will have 11.2 diameter and 400cc is 12.2cm diameter the projection will also increase x

    Becca 168

    Without a doubt the base width will be larger with a 400cc implant than with a 315cc implant of the same profile, but probably only by around 1cm or so. The projection will also increase, but this would probably only be by less than 1cm. You can check the catalogue for exact measurements for your implant type and size here:

    PerkieDs 12

    Hey becca,
    thanks ,

    so that said will larger 400cc high profile implants close the gap a bit between the breast,

    1cm is a miniscule difference

    Becca 168

    It all depends on the dissection of the implant pocket – if this is cut more towards the inside of your breasts then the extra 1cm on each one would therefore close the gap by 2cm in total, or if it is cut more towards the outside of your breasts then the extra 1cm on each one would alternatively sit out more towards your armpits.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Becca 168.

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