Sports bra? Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 6

    How do you know if your wearing your sports bras correctly? I’m currently wearing my macom im 8days po and just want them to be perfect 🙂 x


    Hey huni a macc isn’t a sports bra chick its post op bra manly used for lady’s with breast cancer and nursing mothers and old lady’s use them my sugroen hates macc he said we say sports bra have a job to do they should able to the weight of the implants and keep them up and off your inssions so they can heal up and help your implants down in ther new home and help them settle in and so iportant to use to use a good strong bra my mum is bra fitter at debhams and they recommend they post op girls and fitness girls to this ive had 3 ops and used this with everyone x


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    This best one to use it’s not cheep but you get wot u pay for and I want the best xx

    Danielle 6

    Thanks for that Alex 🙂
    I think I might pop down there then and get measured for one as I was the best too 🙂
    When would you say is best to go like with swelling and that as I want it to fit for more than like a week lol? I’m 9 days po xx


    Hey huni I got fitted up for 3 of mine b4 my ops as with this sports bra girls say they have funny fitting but they don’t as it gose of width not cup size so you would be ok to go soon as you could as they are have like a snap back in them so they will strecth right out with your sweeling and will always go to the flow of your breast size wether it’s from big to small or small to big so my dollys. Are 34GG/H and my SASB is 36 F and I’ve got loads of room for more if my breast went bigger on the snap back xx

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