Sports bras!! Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki 1

    Had BA yesterday and brought all E cup sports bras and one M&S F bra but there all far to tight the nurse said when I left yesterday that I need to get a bigger one. I have a Macom but there the most uncomfortable things ever I prefer the m&s one, if the 34F is too small what other sizes can I buy that will fit in a different band size they only have upto 34F in stock xxx

    Samantha 1

    I went in to MandS and tried loads on till I found one that was comfy. Most of it would be down to the swelling though hun. Maybe try a 36F? They look amazing by the way 🙂 xx

    Nikki 1

    Okis Hun I’ll try that I only have a small m&s near me might ring and see if they stock them xxx

    Nikki 1

    There’s defo a lot of swelling today they have right ballooned up overnight xxx

    Samantha 1

    Lol bless ya! It’ll be gone in a couple of weeks 🙂 xx

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