Squelchy fluid!?! Started by: Ems

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  • Ems 5

    So, had my op yesterday, home today and completely and utterly drained. So sore it’s unreal… Ribs, entire torso area and chest bone are swollen beyond belief and there’s a weird squelching noise under my skin when I push down!!?? I think I’ve read about this before…. A friend who was to stay with me tonight had to cancel so I’m home alone and feeling quite emosh again, had a few tears…. Any reassurance welcome! ??? xx still love my new boobs! Lol

    BETH 11

    I have no idea in terms of the things you mentioned but I hope your feeling better soon! I’m sure in time things will settle and your boobs will be amazing and worth it in the end! Chin up ☺ xox

    Ellie 279

    aww you okay? The first 4-5 days are the hardest! Day 3&4 I was in tears I felt so emotional! Thought everything was going wrong and just felt really down! But honestly by day 6-7 there’s such a big turn around your be amazed how better you feel xx

    Casey 4

    I had this too! If I pressed my chest it felt like stuff was moving and sometimes if I twisted my body I heard a little squelchy noise! Assuming it’s just where the tissue inside has been stretched and they’ve obviously poked around on the inside! I’m 5days post op and it doesn’t do it anymore ?xx

    Lacey 7

    I had the same, if I attempted to stretch a certain way they would squelch, it will stop! Rest as much as you can xx

    Ems 5

    @bethcb thanks hun xx

    @caseeybrown awe thats reassuring…. So strange!! Lol. I think you can try and prepare yourself for this but you never can be fullu. Slept sat up right lastnight and got a straight 6 hours, still shattered and plenty sleeping hours to be had today i think!
    Hope its a less emotional day…. Lastnight i made beans on toast, i cried when i tried to spread the butter and gave up on trying to grate cheese!! ???… So i get where your coming from when u say you felt everything was going wrong @ellie2015 !! xx #thestruggleisreal ?

    x Danni x 13

    Squelchy is normal some people saying it sounded like bubbles an things. My ribs were killing me the first week and my stomach was sooooo swollen for 10 days it was awful.
    i had some stronger co-coda mol at home than what they gave to me at the hospital so I was taking that and I bought some 400mg ibuprofen and took them at the same time around 15m before bed and some cool packs. I ordered my food shop online and (sounds awful!) but I ordered pre made things like grated cheese, ready meals, SANDWICHES!!…hahaha! soups in tubs so I didn’t have to try and open tins, and I think that the lucozade sports drinks helped me too x

    Beverley 74

    Hey EMS try to be brave as things will get better over time . I’m only 3 days po so I know what your going through . when I try to do things on my own it can be frustrating when you can’t do it , or if you do manage to get it done – it takes longer than usual …Remember how brave you’ve been to have this op , you should feel proud of your self xx

    Beverley 74

    Hi Casey , just thought I would say “hi” , I had my op on Tuesday 16th February , every thing went as well as could be expected . Boobs are swollen and tender , but they feel soft , I thought they would be hard . Decided not to take cocodimoil because it makes me feel ill , instead I’m taking ibrupofen & paracetamol …hope you are recovering well xx


    Hey Hun how are you doing? I only had mine done yesterday and I’ve only managed to sleep an hour, I don’t think I was prepared for the pain! When I slightly raise my right arm I also get a squelchy noise ?… Cannot believe we put ourselves through all this haha. I can’t wait for everything to be ok! I hope you are doing well xx

    Imogen 2

    I had my boobs done yesterday on the 19th, sleeping is bloody awful I think I got about 3 hours tops and that was definitely spread out over the entire night. I get that squelchy noise when I move my arm in one breast, it’s also a bit more swollen than the left breast, slightly harder to touch and the left being quite squishy! Skins not hot to touch or anything though so hoping that’s normal?! Xxx

    Christy 15

    I had mine done yesterday.. I was reaching round to scratch my back and heard the squelchy liquid sounds like little bubbles! My mam is a nurse and said it’s totally normal as we’ll have fluid where the swelling is etc 🙂
    So do not worry!!

    Also if your home alone make the most of the peace and stick some good films on ?? happy healing xxx

    Chloe 14

    I hope your were ok staying alone.. I was so glad I had my mum don’t no what I would of done without her. When I was in bed I obviously you went up slipping down a bit and I physically couldn’t pull myself up every time I needed to get up for the first 4 5 days I needed help! But yea in the comments above 6 7 8th day is deffo a massive turn around. The first week I cried every night in pain, didnt think it was worth it xx

    Ems 5

    @danielle-a that’s a great idea! I just had pasta, beans, bread, soup, cheese and chocolate on stand by! ?anything I thought would be easy to make. Couldn’t believe the bother I had trying to spread toast!?
    I’m allergic to Brufen ? so had to stick to what they’ve given me. This is day three and the shooting pains have upped their game!! New today, but spoke to my PC on phone for half an hour and she assures me everything up till now is normal. Having this forum is brilliant to though! Great to have access to to calm your tits!! ? pardon the pun!!

    awe thanks sweetie, I feel very pleased so far with the results it’s just such an emotional experience, think we need to give ourselves a break and remember we didn’t take the decision lightly and it’s okay to feel a bit sorry for ourselves for a while maybe! Haha. Xx

    @crystalgulliverlive-com how are you babe? This is my day three and it’s much the same as you’ve maybe already read…. Shooting pains galore today, randomly napping like a wee pensioner! Had a bath earlier, felt good to freshen up, changed bra. Macom one now drying. How you feeling?? We do do crazy things to ourselves! But when we’re through the worst of it, we’ll be over the moon happy!!! Xxx

    I think normal for everyone is different, I have no hot to touch feeling either so I reckon that’s fine…. Squelching is weird though right!? I wasn’t warned of it at all so freaked out!! Xx.

    Defo!! Netflix and chocolate in bed tonight!! Any good suggestions!!?? Xxx

    I know, I’d have loved someone here looking after me, but I’m managing not too bad, just trying to keep what I need to do to a bare minimum and take it easy when I do need to do things, like put washing on today, having bath etc. the thought of washing my hair just now though gives me the heave! Lol. Such a thought!!! Can’t wait till after 1 week post op, be weird seeing them without dressings on too I think!! Xxx


    @ems14 I’m ok just seem to be counting down the time till I can have my next lot of meds ? My chest literally feels like it’s going to burst open, can’t imagine how the girls with big implants cope! Ha ha, love that. I’m dying for a proper wash, have you got strapping or anything on? Glad you are loving yours!! Xxx ?

    Josie 13

    I had swelling and couldnt help but poke the fluid around ??? was so gross but so satisfying at the same time hahaha!

    C 5

    Don’t poke and prod so early on – sounds like it could be a collection of blood and fluids but your body needs time to reabsorb – give it 6 weeks and ask your PS if there is still the squelching.

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