Standing up after op question?? Started by: Chantelle Louise

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    Hey girls,
    Just wondering when you were able to stand up straight after op? I’m now 10 days post op and still can’t stand straight and my chest is really tight and stiff 🙁

    Laura C S 13

    Hi Chantelle

    Did you have unders? I takes a while for you to adjust to the extra weight. I was hunched for around 2 weeks. I find the cold is not helpful as the body goes into protection mode around the new additions.
    I think the sleeping position is what makes you stiff. It kinda feels unnatural and because you can’t roll about as normal, you get locked up and it takes the normal movements of the day to loosen up. It will get better, how quickly I don’t know as we’re all different.
    L x


    Hey Laura,
    Thank you for your reply!
    Yes I have unders, recovery has been a lot harder than I expected it to be! I still can’t go out the house for a long time as i start feeling so uncomfortable and I just have to come back home and get in bed 🙁 I hope this passes soon! I want to get out the house xxx

    Laura C S 13

    It does sometimes feel like one step forward and two steps back, but you will hit your stride in good time x


    Thank you Laura, can’t wait for that! Xx

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