Sunbeds PO Started by: Sian

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  • Sian -1

    When I had my strapping off the nurse told me I can’t use the sun beds for 6 months. I am a Sun bed addict!!! I’m 2 weeks PO today and already am so pale and disgusting. My birthdays on Wednesday so I was going to attempt to fake tan for that, however it’s not the same. Has anyone used the sun beds sooner than is? Are we told not to because of our scars? I feel disgusting and pale! X


    My nurse told me I could use them
    As soon as I felt up to it after surgery as long as I cover incisions .. I’ve seen lods of girls on here go straight back to them pretty quickly xx especially if your used to using them anyway shouldn’t be a problem x


    Hey huni I’ve just read about the care implants and it tell you not use the sunbeds early on as it’s something to do with the implants and the heat from sunbeds xx

    Sian -1

    Thanks girls x

    Jodie 1

    I was back on 5 days post op , now 4 n half months and mine are fine and scars are virtually invisible xx

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