Supplements Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hiya girls, any of you know much on supplements, i take protein shakes and BCAAS and am worried about still taking them as my ops in 10 days. I take them daily an wanted to keep taking them prior to surgery day to help with healing. I know iv heard to stop vitamins certain ones but not sure on bcaas, my nurse said protein be great for after my op but what about 1-2 weeks before? Hope you can help girls xx

    Amber 16

    Bcaas stop muslce breakdown , and will help repair as well as your current muscle not wating away at itsself plus doesnt stay in your system that long, i drink 2 scoops of bcaas a day in 2 litres of water. And protein shakes will 100% help with recovery to build back muscle and tissue and so on.

    My nurse didnt say anything about not having them to me. Doesnt effect your system in anyway medically, or shouldnt.
    I’ll be using a blender to make protein smoothies n my shakes as i doubt i’ll be able to shaker a shaker the day after!

    Nikitta 57

    I was on my shake up till the day of op and after Hun never came off them, The healthy diet and protein shakes really helped my healing I was in no pain what so ever and I was up walking washing my own hair and picking things up on day 2 xx

    What is bcaas? Check the ingredients, just don’t take them on the day of the op I’m sure it’s fine xx


    Oo thankyou for that response. Il stick to my shakes then, an BCAAS are amino acids in drink form that help with muscle repair, found in meats. An il have look at the ingredients xx


    Oo just saw your reply amber! Thankyou so much. Was not sure i love my bcaas lol! Whens your op hun xx

    Amber 16

    My op is on Tuesday! , i take bcaas all the time and drink them throughout tattoos and i dont bleed so clearly doesnt effect you in anyway (i know its not exactly the same but just something to relate to)
    I have bcaas everyday with dilute juice!
    I will be having some bcaas the day of my op because my admission time is 12:00 so i wont eat, id rather have that in me so my body doesnt start eating away at its self


    Yeah that helps alot, i will do that when i know my admission time. Good luck hun! Excited for you! Hope it goes well an your recovery!! X

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