Surgery this Friday!!!! 295-325cc Started by: Tilly

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  • Tilly 18

    Hi! I am booked in for surgery this Friday… Eeeek!

    I thought I would make this to document my journey for anyone who’s interested.

    I’m 5’8, around 10 stone, and currently a 34a. My surgeon had ordered 295, 300, and 325cc to decide on the day as I cannot seem to make up my mind! If anyone has similar measurements please share what you did, I’m so scared of making the wrong decision, I really don’t want them fake looking but also want to notice a difference!

    Any last min advice for me? Also is anyone else getting surgery soon who wants to start a group chat?

    Keeleigh 5

    Hi tilly, I am 5’7 and around 11 stone and I got 375cc.
    I didn’t want mine to look fake either but I also knew I would regret not going bigger, are you getting under the muscle as this makes them look more natural anyway.
    They said there’s about 2ml difference between the sizes which is hardly anything! That’s why I went for the bigger size, I am only 3 days post op but honestly they don’t look that big! have you tried the rice test?

    Stevie 7

    Hi Tilly

    I’m also having surgery Friday.
    Where are you getting yours done?
    I’m getting nervous but also very excited and like you don’t want to make a wrong decision with size.

    I’m 5’2 54kg and have the options of 275, 300 325, 350 .. except I’m not too sure if the 350 will be too big.

    Hannah 32

    Hey Tilly,

    Honestly I would go for the biggest size offered, my stats aren’t too diff to yours and I got 350cc (biggest). I think I would have regretted going smaller like I wouldn’t tell a big difference! Try the rice test in sandwich bags to get a feel for this size, it’s similar to what mine look like now! Hope this helps x

    Hannah 32

    And good luck !!!! Xx

    Tilly 18

    Ahh thanks guysss! I’m not getting mine done with Mya, I am going somewhere local to me. I tried 350cc implants in a sports bra with my surgeon and they looked wayyy too big on my frame, I have very narrow shoulders/back and they just looked strange on me, but after reading these comments I’m now worried I’m going way too small!! What size were you guys originally? As I am currently SUPER flat!

    Tilly 18

    & yes i’m going under the muscle. As I have one boob a little smaller than the other we will probably have to use two different sizes anyway but I think now I will deffo go for the 325 on the smaller one. Getting nervous now!

    Bernice 51

    Hi Stevie & Tilly!
    I am 5.4 – 52kg Pre op. Size 8. I had 275cc high profile, split profile smooth implants. Was a very flat 32A now a 32D! 12 weeks post op now – I am really happy with the results & wouldn’t want bigger. Will try to post pics
    Bernice x

    Bernice 51

    Pre-op & 8 weeks post op

    Bernice 51

    Try again!

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    Stevie 7

    Hi Bernice

    I have come across your profile before, yours look amazing. I’m currently a 31AA .. I am putting my trust in Mr Mahdi that he chooses the right size as I don’t want to look to big. On way to the first trust hospital in Preston for the surgery now, excited and nervous at the same time.
    Stevie x

    Tilly 18

    Bernice yours look amazing! You must be so happy with the results, especially at only 8 weeks post op!

    Stevie good luck, I’m just setting off now! Super excited but think the nerves will kick in once I’m there, I really hope all goes ok!

    Lauren 2

    Hi guys, I’m brand new to this. I will be having my first consultation next week to talk about my options. Really want to know as mush as possible. What do the cc numbers mean? Good luck for surgery!!! Xx

    Bernice 51

    Good luck Stevie & Tilly! X

    Bernice 51

    Hi Lauren,
    Cc is how they measure the volume of the implant. the brand of implant dictates what sizes they go up in. You can get a rough idea of cc by weighing out rice & putting in an old pair of tights. Knot it & snip the end. I weighed out 250g & 275g – 250cc and 275cc. Went to m@s and tried on non pad bras to see what size I would fill. This gave me a good idea of what size I wanted before my consultation & trying on actual
    Implants in bras.
    Happy to answer any questions xx

    Tilly 18


    I had the surgery at 4PM, I had a funny reaction to the anaesthetic and when I woke up apparently I was sick! I don’t remember this at all though haha!

    We ended up going for 325cc in one and 295cc in the other. From what I have been able to see they look a good size but it’s hard to tell, hopefully I’ll see more tomorrow.

    , how did yours go? It’s currently 2am and I can’t lie I am in a lot of pain, more than I expected! I don’t know if I’m just being a massive baby but defiantly no one prepared me for this 🥲. I’m staying overnight and have just had some more strong painkillers along with codine, hopefully I will manage to get some sleep.

    I’ll try and get some pics tomorrow xx

    Tilly 18

    Before and after pictures!

    For anyone who is interested this is my results 2 days post op. 325cc in the right boob and 295cc in the other – considering it’s only been a few days I’m super happy. They’re still very hard and swollen but once they drop and fluff I think they should look good?! Also my nipples are very chaffed and swollen right now so pls ignore that!

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    Bernice 51

    Great results for 2 days post op! You must be delighted! I was too scared to take my bra off at first 🤣🤣🤣
    My nipples are still very sensitive and I’m week 12!
    Good luck with the rest of your recovery Tilly x

    Chloe 3

    Ow wow just found this thread Tilly! Turns out we had our surgeries on the same day with Mr Mahdi on 19th May 23 – my surgery was at 10:30🤩

    So exciting seeing your results as they look so fab – I had a nipple lift too so mine are currently covered but I’m so happy with how they are!

    I think you definitely went with the right sizes! I went for 350CC in both which was my middle sizing and definitely couldn’t have gone any bigger! I was 34AA before this 🫣

    Emma 11

    Hi Tilly. How are you healing?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Emma 11.
    Tilly 18

    8 weeks post op update!

    Looking back on my 2 day post op pics I cannot believe how much they’ve changed! I do feel like they’ve got smaller over time though which is kind of annoying… has anyone else found this? Or am I just getting used to them?!

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    Hello ladies,

    I’m currently undergoing my Mya journey and reached out to people from this forum and it has been incredibly helpful.

    However, find this app useless. So thought I would start a secure group to share:

    Pre and post op advice
    Worries and problems
    Success stories
    Mental health tips

    Feel free to join. We have some people awaiting surgery currently and looking for some people who have lived the experience.

    But thank you mainly to those who have helped me on this forum so far, you are Angels!!

    Elouise xxxx

    Christine 27

    I’d be interested to hear as well Tilly. I’m really struggling to get used to mine and i’m in the opposite camp of wishing I had gone smaller 😭 I feel like I should like them by now but don’t and I’m hoping they will get a bit smaller. I’m 5 weeks post op.

    Sara 5

    A really nice group. Thanks for creating the group. I hope there will be more to get even more helpful tips and to hear more interesting stories

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