They feel too big :( Started by: Christie Halsey

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    Any other girls have strapping and thought they were too big? My boobs look absolutely huge and I don’t want them this massive!! Does the strapping make them look bigger and do they look smaller/more natural once it comes off?! Please tell me this happens cause I asked to be a D/DD and at the moment they look like a F/G?! Help girls!!!


    Strapping will because there swollen and squished up really high when the strappings removed the swelling will go down and the boobs will reduce in size soften and drop so dw to much x


    don’t worry. mine reduced by a size i think, dropped so much and the swelling went down. Although if you were 32 a before and had 375 unders this should’ve taken you to about an E since I was 32a and had 275 unders got me to a D. Hmm….


    Mine have gotten smaller over the last few days. Swelling has gone down and now strapping is off they have moved slightly so look more in proportion. I wouldn’t worry luv they will charge so much ever the next few months 🙂 xxx


    Mine were massive. 9 weeks on and I measure an F. But even my bf says they look no bigger than a D. But they will go down once strapping has gone 🙂 xxx

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