Travelling home advice? Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 19

    I am booking in as a day case and am concerned about travelling home as I have a 3 hour journey to make? Did anyone find it difficult travelling straight after? Any advice grateful?

    Clairelh 85

    I personally would book a hotel I only had to travel 30mins home and it was horrible I had to pull over to be sick twice and bumps in the road were horrible x

    Emily 24

    I had mine done this week and they do advise you book a hotel for the night if your more than 30mins or so away just incase.
    I was absolutely fine but so glad I stayed close by as didn’t feel up to a long car journey home: I’d recommend premier inn, it’s only 5 mins away xx

    Charlotte 4

    Hi chick I had my opp yesterday and I was a day case I travelled home straight after to from Preston to Newcastle if you do make sure you have loads of pillows when you travel back its not so bad because you have the anastetic still in your system xx

    danim2406 13

    They don’t recommend it but I went home afterwards as I felt absolutely fine. I read people were sorer the next day so felt like I just wanted to get home and relax and get comfy. I stay in Scotland so was over a 3 hour drive. Just took my pillow, watch your feet and legs don’t swell up though. Obviously it’s up to you and at your own risk. Xx

    Kelly 6

    I had to travel 2 hours home and was fine I took a travel pillow and slept all the way home x

    Jess 146

    I was an hour and a half away and we left about 8pm and I was starving so my Mum stopped in KFC on the motorway and I went in there with her and got a KFC! ? I had anti sickness stuff injected into my hand because I was feeling sick after surgery and I felt fine after that then went home in the car and was fine. I would’ve rather been in a bit of pain travelling than having to stay in an unknown place like a hotel. It’s just nice to be at home in your own bed especially after a big op xx

    Claire 19

    I’m torn about what to do did anyone have trouble with the seatbelt making you sore or anything I’m just worried about being really uncomfortable on the way home

    Claire 3

    I travelled an hour right after. Was totally fine. Brought a small cushion for between my boobs and seat belt and my bf made sure to drI’ve carefully. A sharp bend or potholes can be very sore. It all really depends how you are after… everyone is diff. I got unders with Kazzazi xx

    Beth 4

    Hey babe! I travelled home 7 hours after mine but luckily had a 4×4 drive so it was comfy. Just had pillows and
    dressing down and it was fine. There’s more chance of a bleed happening on the first night so they do recommend to stay but you’re so pain free cos of the painkiller and being put to sleep! Good luck! Xxxx

    Bassett28 122

    I stayed overnight in the hospital and struggled in the car in the journey home. It was 2 hours of pain and discomfort every time hubby went over a bump and roundabout etc – I wasn’t prepared though as had no pillows etc! So I think whenever u go home after the op it’s prob going to be a bit difficult so just make sure you are prepared unlike me. X

    Nikki 38

    I had about an hours drive after my op (almost 6 weeks ago now). I had my neck pillow with me, like the little travel ones that wraps around your neck. I just put that in front of my boobs and made my fiancé drive slower. It was the corners that were uncomfortable but I think it depends on your pain tbh.
    I took painkillers half hour before leaving to which probably helped xx

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