under or over? Started by: Katie Allport

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    I’ve just put a deposit down to have a breast enlargement. The consultant says to have it over the muscle. Any advice on this please#? 🙂 xxx

    Eve 19

    This is because you have enough Breast tissue to hide the implant. They only put it behind if you don’t, less painful and a little less recovery time xx

    Lucy Anna 146

    Yep that’s right ^
    Your surgeon will confirm with you xx

    Rebecca 46

    Yeah babe depends on your surgeon tho not your PC so see when you see him and see what he says . I have partials xx


    Thanks Girls.

    Yeh Rebecca I have already been to see him. Its Mr Singh. Thing is I want to look as natural as possible and didn’t think that having them over the muscle would be best for this look? xx

    Yana 51

    There’s lots of controversy on that. I have overs, now unders … And guess what- I want overs again! If you work out a lot and have strong pecks – Avoid unders! With overs you have have bigger implant/result. But both carry risks…as any surgery. However the girls are right- Pc shouldn’t assume on what a surgeon will decide, they’re just not qualified to advise that.

    Yana 51

    Depends on your body, me with unders don’t look natural as when I flex they move apart, and they didn’t drop down enough to look natural as the muscles are holding the implants higher. So go figure what’s more natural lol

    Eve 19

    Unders are only there if you don’t have the Breast tissue. If you do have enough, I dont think the surgeon would put it behind even if requested. It’s pain that you actually don’t need! I’m having overs with Dr Singh in 2 weeks hun, will be happy to send you pics xx

    Laura McKay 30

    I had the option of overs or unders in the beginning, I wanted unders but my surgeon advised overs,
    This time same surgeon is happy to put them under as I’m not comfortable with how they look, so to a degree it is personal preference but obviously they do know best 🙂 x

    Rebecca 46

    I think the surgeon can make then look natural either way if the surgeons good they will be able too as I no a few people with overs and they look more natural than mine ah and I have partials . Trust your surgeon babe he will do them fab ! I wasn’t allowed overs xxx


    That would be fab Eve thanks xxx

    Yeh I think I’ve just heard that many different opinions I’m a bit confused but thanks for the advise girls 🙂 xxx

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