UNDERS OR OVERS? Started by: glitterkitten

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    Hi girls! I’ve had my consultation with Mr.Chantarasak today and he recommended 380cc and asked if I’d like unders or overs, he said as I have enough ‘space’ and breast tissue overs will be fine and will still look natural. See, the thing is, I’m really hoping for a speedy recovery time and I’ve hears overs make for a speedier recovery. What is the major difference with under/over and who should avoid getting overs? Girls with reeeally small breasts? Confused.com!


    im confused.com aswell i had my consultation with him today but was only offered overs i was hopeing to have unders but he said overs would look better on me x


    hi!Iv not had my surgeon consultation yet but im hopinh he suggests overs for the same reasons recovery time etc. how much breast tissue do you need for overs?


    i have like no breast tissue and he recommended overs?? x


    He said overs would create a ‘deeper cleavage’ on me, I’m wanting to go from a 32B to a 32D and a nice defined cleavage would be just lovely! Ha…


    Btw Chantarasak is really friendly! I got a bit freaked cos my PC rang me to warn me he wasn’t very talkative, but I found him much more talkative than Russo! He had me in and out within 3 minutes!


    yeah most definately! amazing! im a 34a and hoping to go to a C…hope i have enough breast tissue x


    you need 2 pinch your boob at top not too much just a little and has to be over 2cm or 2 inch carnt remember which 1? im having unders just longer recovery time . overs in time you minght be able to see implant shape the outerline


    I had overs xx


    I had unders with my first BA then overs with my second. Defo say overs are by far the best! Much much shorter recovery, virtually no pain, better shape and cleavage, they’re meant to look a little bigger too. The only good thing I could say about unders is your muscle can act a little like a bra so helps slightly with sagging over time xx


    I was suggessted unders, I am 32A and have virtually no brest tissue. I was under the impression that u dont get a say in it, its just whats best for you body. xx


    glitterkitten great post! took the confused words right out of my mouth lol as i am also confused.com about the differences! i heard with overs there likely to sag abit more than unders does anyone know if thats true? xxx


    Willbhappy yes thats true the muscle gives the implabt extra support i had ebiugh tissue for overs but he said i would end up sagging as it would have less support and my skin was alreasy quite stretched due to pregnancys. But having said that ny unders bave sdropped very low now.. Not really sagging just the fact tht my surgeon lowered my breast crease xx

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