Unders or Overs – So Confused Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 3

    I saw Mr Kazzazi in June who offered me a maximum of 350cc under the muscle. He never even discussed or offered overs. He was quite blunt, never asked me what look I desired or wanted to achieve. He led me to believe I could only have unders but have since heard he only really offers “unders”.

    I’ve since met with two non mya surgeons at a local private hospital and was offered 400/375cc hp overs OR 375cc unders. Pro’s and con’s for both were fully explained and I felt very at ease/welcomed to explain the look I wanted to achieve; full, round, high and fake looking.

    Can any of you girl’s please help me understand how you choose overs over unders and vice verse as I’m slowly driving myself and my loved ones insane stressing about what to choose.


    Nicole 4

    I’m booked in to have 240cc moderate overs on 4th october. I wanted a natural look so when he said overs I was a bit unsure, but because I’m very into fitness, he said unders were more likely to displace over time. He said I have enough breast tissue to cover them and because it’s a small implant I should be fine. I did loaaaads of googling and looking at pictures though before I happy with that. Overs apparantly move a bit more naturally as well because the breast itself is over the muscle.


    Hey Emma
    I’ve done most of my research over the summer and looking on here and http://www.realself.com To be honest from what I found it depended on how much breast tissue u have to start with, how much elasticity in your breast like when pinched does it stretch 2cm plus, also how much of your ribs showed and how thin your skin was on your breast.

    Most people who work out a lot tend to go for overs. You can get a natural look with either under or overs but I think it’s easier to achieve with unders and blends more but that’s just my opinion tbh.

    Also look into the pros and cons for both of them in terms of breastfeeding, mammograms regarding what u may want in the future.

    If i were you just have a look at the profiles pics and similar stats of girls on here for what your hoping to achieve and contact them to find out their surgeon and get a few more opinions as the ones you have received are all really varied.

    I’m having 325cc unders due to my size and shape plus I want them to look really natural.

    Hope that helps!

    Danielle 3

    Hi gurls am booked in 5th October for under the mistletoe at a 400cc is it to late to change my mind am thinking of going over as my friend is over nd hers still look natural?

    Danielle xx

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