Unhappy Started by: Kezz

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  • Kezz 3

    Anyone else upset with their outcome from their op? I’m due to see my surgeon again in soon to discuss my concerns as I was completely dismissed in my last appointment with them. Will attach photo of my before (left) and after (right) of my re-aug last year.

    Feel the shape is completely off, I have no upper pole and now they’re saggy. I preferred my boobs before. Anyone else had this problem? Or am I just being picky? I really feel these aren’t acceptable for the amount I paid for the op to be honest

    Kezz 3

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    Miss M 10

    looks like they need to settle however if it’s been a year then speak to your surgeon again about your concerns. They won’t really discuss revision until after a year of your original first op, well that’s my experience. xx

    Kezz 3

    I’m 10 months PO, they’ve deffo settled already they haven’t changed in months. My right boob also lifts up & moves to the side when I remotely tense my chest 🙈 I’m seeing my surgeon next month so it’ll almost be a year x

    Miss M 10

    Have you heard of snoopy breasts? it kinda looks like that. which is common from my resent research.

    After a year see your surgeon again because that’s when the scaring is fully healed and then discuss it then. that’s what i had to do x

    Miss M 10

    Also what did you actually have done?

    Kezz 3

    No I haven’t but I’ll look it up, thank you. I had a re-aug with pocket adjustments as had my implants for years prior.
    I didn’t have much breast tissue underneath before my re-aug, now all my boob seems to sit underneath.
    As I said I got an appointment with her next month as I’m really upset with my outcome, totally opposite of what we discussed. My scarring is awful now also, they were so neat and not visible from a couple months with my first one, now there’s a big gap and my scars are really indented and visible


    The second picture looks a bit like waterfall deformity, deffo go back xxx

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