Unhappy parents Started by: Anna

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  • Anna 7

    My parents have always supported me!

    But my dad has said he is disappointed in me over deciding to have my boobs done!

    I won’t let it stop me but I can’t say it isn’t stressing me out, like what if somthinf bad happens in the opp and it was only for a pair of boobs

    Really emotional tonight, helpful messages only please x

    Faye 14

    Hiya Anna,

    Sorry to hear you dad has said that. How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? I’m literally 6dpo and if the best decision I have made. Why don’t you ask him what his specific concerns are?

    Anna 7

    I am 20, and he has never said he is disappointed in me! I don’t know he isn’t a lover of talking boobs or period with his daughter ? but I was really shocked thought I would just get a message back saying
    Your perfect as you are or – don’t be daft

    Not so strong 🙁
    It’s going to make going for the opp so hard, what are your results like what size did you go for xx thanks for chatting x

    Marilyn 34

    Hi Anna. I’m sorry to hear your dad said that I could imagine mine saying the same thing. I can only tell you what I would tell myself. Are you unhappy with ur current body? Do you think new boobs would give you confidence and make you feel happier and more attractive in your eyes not anybody else’s. If so then you should go ahead. You are doing this for you nobody else I don’t think men understand your not getting them done to become a stripper (not that anything is wrong with that) you have something you don’t like and unlike many things in life you have the chance to change it. He will come round. Be proud you where able to come to a decision about surgery you have obviously done your research and know what you want in life. the way I see it this will be one of the best things I’m going to do sick of having nothing. You know we work hard we go through alot in life we deserve to make ourselves happy ❤️ sending love please don’t stress he will come round he just still sees you as his little girl I imagine.

    Anna 7

    Thank you! So much for typing all that! It really means a lot ???

    Anna 7

    I can’t say thanks enough, I keep re-reading your message xxx

    Faye 14

    Anna, I’m now 34 and wished I’d had it done a long time ago. I was a 32A and my family understood because I’d craved boobs for so long. I’m sure he will come round! He might need reassurance from you that it’s the absolute right decision as there are risks involved. I’ve had 325cc hpu I’m a bit bruised at the minute and literally had strapping off today but love them already!

    Faye 14


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    Koral 42

    I think it’s a little taboo like normal people don’t get it done especially the older generations didn’t and the thoughts of ending up like a porn star looking lady I’m sure when you come home looking normal it will all be a worry of the past .. best thing I ever did don’t let it get you down it’s for you no one else x

    Della 4

    I have exactly the same problem, I told my parents today and they don’t understand at all they say I’m fine the way I am and don’t need to put my self through this just for some boobs, I tried to explain how it affects my confidence but they don’t really agree with me going ahead. I feel the same as you I was so excited for my surgery and this has put a real downer on it. My boyfriend and friends have been great however so I’m just going to focus on the support I’m receiving from them and do what makes me happy, I hope you have someone that is also being supportive because it’s definitely very important to have that. X

    Anna 7

    Thank you girls!! Really appreciated xxx


    Hey Anna

    I was terrified about telling my dad! But I literally wrote out a whole essay on text lol of how much I wanted it done, why i wanted it and the research I had done. After this, he was completely understanding and supports me. If this is going to make your life better then don’t worry about it he will come around xx

    Jamie 55

    If you maybe explain to him that it affects how you feel about yourself he may understand. I hate the phrase ‘boob job’ becuase everyone assumes round fake looking boobs (which is great if that’s the look you want) I always say I’ve had breast augmentation then people think about it more than just assume. Body confidence is such a big thing and there are risks with everything I had to have revision surgery and it’s a rollercoaster journey but worth it in the end x

    Heidi 217

    Im 20 too and had my boobs done at 19, my mum was super supportive as its something I’d hated about myself for years, my mum told my step dad so luckily i never had that chat but just remember surgeons consider it as “minor surgery” thats how easy it is for them and how common it is! Maybe just explain that its straight forward, takes less than an hour and will make you happier for life:) xx

    Alex 45

    In all honesty it’s your body and your self confidence that it effects, absolutely no one else. So I’f you want them doing go get them done girl. My dad wasn’t to happy with me wanting mine done but he never made me feel bad for wanting to change that about my self. He just said stuff like that don’t matter in life but if it matters deeply to you then go and do it. As long as your happy he should be happy for you. At some point tour life tho you need to not give a rats ass about what other people think. You soon will with age. Might sound harsh but sod your parents it’s your body your choice. Xxxx

    Anna 7

    Thanks everyone xxx

    Sbowdell 15

    My mum was not happy about me having mine done and referred to it as ‘vanity’. Both my mum and sister have big boobs and I was barely a B cup before. I’m 30 years old and hated the way my boobs look out of a bra, I made the decision for me to make myself feel better and to look more in proportion (as I’m bottom heavy). I ended up saying to mum mum that I wasn’t asking for her opinion or agreement I was purely letting her know that I was having it done. It’s a massive decision to make, that nobody enters into lightly but if you want to do it, then you shouldn’t feel bad. He will get over it and will love you just the same and we have to remember that our parents are from a different generation when they were young it wasn’t the done thing!

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