Uplift and implants 365/325 cc – do not worry!!! Started by: charlotte

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  • charlotte 3

    So I went down for my surgery approximately 12 hours ago now. Was operated on around 5:45pm and was back up in my room at 9pm very drowsy but not in any pain.

    I had water around 20 mins after I was back in my room, then biscuits and then a sandwich around 11:30pm. I have been in and out of sleep as I am overnight but like my own bed! I usually get nauseated very easily and then I am sick constantly… I have had none of this. So you cannot go off past experience and so far I am feeling okay – although early days!

    I have never had general anaesthetic before, I wasn’t really worried about this, just a bit curious. The cannula did not hurt, I had no numbing cream, and within 10 seconds I was under.

    I am yet to have any pain relief as I am comfortable enough and I can move my arms freely and can potter about already! This may be because I had over the muscle though.

    The nurses are lovely, every time you need a wee you are to buzz them in so they can help you. Just shuffle using your bottom and then use your core to sit yourself up.

    Unfortunately I was on my period when I had my surgery, if anyone else finds this, please make sure you take a pad to hospital with you as they insist you to wear this instead of a tampon when you have surgery.

    I have had drains, I thought these might make me feel a bit sick to look at but I am actually happy the minimal amount of fluid/blood in them is in a bottle next to me and not adding to any swelling in my boobs! I think they will be worth it 🙂

    I will post progress pics once I have had my first nosey!

    I just wanted to write incase anyone was worrying about their upcoming operation. Please don’t, it’s not worth the energy getting anxious!!

    Claire 40

    love reading how people are getting on & their experiences, x

    charlotte 3

    I did too Claire, it really helped me!

    I’m coming up to 48 hours post surgery. My surgeon was Dr Netri and he was the only surgeon I had my consultation with as I trusted him straight away and what he was saying. I am so glad I went with him already even though it’s early days. In theatre before they put me under I didn’t have any nerves about the op.

    I had to have an implant and uplift as I had lost volume in the top of my boobs due to weight loss. I also had asymmetry.. hence the different size implants. So far, my chest just feels heavy. I slept on the sofa last night with 2 pillows and a V pillow and had no problems… put another large setee cushion under my knees so I didn’t move and I woke up the same position I went to sleep in!

    I was given painkillers to come home with, I took one lot before bed last night just in case any pain started in the night, but to be honest I dont think I needed to.

    I am more achy then anything else, like if you go to the gym and do a full body workout… it’s that sort of ache.

    Please let me know if you have any questions! I’m more than happy to help! 🙂 x

    Claire 40

    I have a consultation with Dr Netri on May 9th,
    Looking forward to seeing your progress pictures x

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