Uplift/Reduction + Implants with Dr Anna De Leo (Post Op) Started by: Sam

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  • Sam 7

    Hi I just thought I’d post on here with my experience so far just incase anybody else was debating on going through with this same procedure.

    I’m 31 years old and since I grew boobs I have always been incredibly uneven with about 3 cup sizes difference, and one breast incredibly low with a very low pointing nipple. I was always so so embarrassed and low in confidence. I also really struggled to find bras and bikinis to fit me that would also cover my issue so people wouldn’t notice.

    I had been looking into having breast surgery for about 13 years or so but have always chickened out of it because even the thought of showing a surgeon my breasts made me feel so so uncomfortable. Eventually in November last year I plucked up the courage to book an econsult with MYA. I decided to go with MYA because they had always been on my radar since first looking, and when I had a personal recommendation that was a good enough reason for me.

    From my initial e-consult with Aurora I was made to feel extremely comfortable and all my worries put to ease. I had my nurse and surgeon consultations at the Bristol clinic, They allocated me Dr Anna De Leo as one of her special areas was asymmetrical breasts, again Dr De Leo made me feel so so confident with her being my surgeon. She was also very realistic with because they were so different they may not end up completely the same and that they would be ‘sisters and not twins’. We decided to go for an uplift with 375cc implant on the left side and then a reduction with 350cc implant on the right side. I also chose the xtra gel implant as I wanted the look of a high cleavage.

    I am now 4 days post surgery and can I just say I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be so obsessed and so in love with my new breasts as I am now, I’m still in awe and in shock that they are actually mine.

    I had my operation at the London Welbeck clinic on Saturday 13th January, I had an admission time of 7am. I went in for surgery at around 9.30am roughly and my first memory after coming around I was back in my private room being regularly checked on by my very friendly and helpful nurses (really sorry I cannot remember their names). Throughout the day and night they made me feel so so cared for and well looked after, I can’t thank them enough.

    Dr Anna De Leo came to see me the next morning and explained a few things for post care that I would need to do and she said she was very happy with how the surgery went.

    I have my post operative appointment with the nurse on Friday to see how the healing is going but honestly I feel so happy already and can’t wait to be completely healed so I can finally wear that backless dress and flattering bikini!

    This is just my way of saying, if it’s something that can change your life as much as I think it already has mine, then go for it and at least go for that initial first consult 🙂


    So happy for you Sam! Onwards and upwards for your recovery!
    If you have any before/after pics I’d love to see as I am due for my surgery in March and I am to so nervous!

    Sam 7

    So here’s me before surgery with my very asymmetrical breasts

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    Sam 7

    And this is me in the hospital about 4 hours post op. And then 2 more which are 4 days post op. Extremely happy with the results! I hope you’re op goes well too and that you’re just as happy as I am 🙂

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    Jemma 3

    Hi Sam, thank you so much for sharing your journey.
    After 10 years I am finally doing it and my surgery is booked for 5 weeks time with Dr Anna 😊 I am having a reduction and implants at the Welbeck hospital. It was so lovely to meet her and she really does put you at ease.
    It’s lovely to hear it has made such a difference to your life and I’m excited for it to do that to mine too 😊
    Enjoy the summer wearing backless dresses

    Jemma 3

    Hi Sam, I hope you don’t mind me messaging you. I’m booked for my surgery soon and just had a couple of questions. What was your pain like from surgery? How did you travel home? I’m planning to stay in a hotel the night of discharge and travel home on day 2 but worried about the pain on day 2 as I’ve seen some people say it’s the worst day. TIA


    Hey, Dr Anna did mine I had breast lift and implants but I’m nervous as my left one is more lower and the nipple and my right one sits higher and more fuller. I’m 5 weeks post op. Did you have this issue ? I had 350cc moderate plus round implants. Xx


    My right breast was the bigger breast too but now it feels like my left breast hangs more to the right one now I’ve got the opposite issue and because of that the nipples ain’t levelled.

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