Uplift with implants with Mr Giannas Started by: Serena

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  • Serena 1

    Hi everyone, I have my surgeon consultation at the Bristol Clinic with Mr Giannas in a couple of weeks time, just looking for peoples experiences with him. Any before and after pics would be great!


    I would also be interested to know of anyone’s experience as also booked into to see Dr Giannas in a couple of weeks. X

    Bee 40

    I’m seeing him soon hopefully for an uplift and implants, how did your experience go xx


    I’m booked in with him on 24th March for uplift and implants. Bee, do you have your consultation booked?xx

    Rebecca 3

    Im booked in for consult 17th march and uplift with new implants on 7th April with Dr Giannas what did ladies think of him and how are your results?


    Hey, I’m booked in with him too may 11th for uplift and implants, how did you guys find your results with him? Xx

    Bee 40

    Hey, sorry I’ve not been on here a while. How did it go? Hope you’re both healing well and good luck Caitlyn. Dr Giannas didn’t do my original surgery but I’m really happy to be having him do my revision. I had an uplift and implants with another surgeon in 2021. Few issues hence the revision. My op is the end of August. I’ve seen plenty of photos of uplifts and implants by Dr Giannas. Looks like a fantastic surgeon xxx

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