Wanted this so long but im petrified to book, sooo nervous :( Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 1

    Im so nervous, keep worrying about bloody everything and that they will be too large or too small or look wrong, wanted this for so long but so worried as ive done sooo much research, maybe too much. reassurance anyone, ive been offered 460cc cui or 470 TRX if i upgrade, wanted to guarantee a DD really so went that bit bigger xx


    I’m in the same boat but trying to pluck up the courage to book next week – I am a born worrier and seem to be panicing about everything even though I know its what I want! x

    tashiemash 1

    book it girly :)!!! it’ll all be fine! :D i’ll make sure i get lotz of piccys up once mine are done!! XX

    Lauren 1

    Im exactly the same, its stressful making so many decisions aswell on size, and finances etc, im unsure whether to wait another 2 months when I have saved all the money or whether to just go for it and get a date and pay half and then pay the rest off over a year x


    It seems like there is so much to think about however this forum has really helped. I would read as much as you can but also trust your pc and the surgeon as they know what they are talking about. I would book it for when it fits best into your life then worry about the money (easy to say to someone else – harder to do yourself!) I will if you will :-) x

    Lauren 1

    Ahhh Tashie im so excited for u hun, i want to but im proper nervous and not sure what to do about finance bla bla cos they got rid of 0% interest :( cant wait to see your piccies wooopp :D xxx


    I just booked bout an hour ago so so .si glad I did now xx


    hi girls I’ve booked and paid and now feel to cancel my op is next fri if i cancel do u think ill loose my money x

    Lauren 1

    Gna wait 5 days and have a think x

    stuckeya -1

    Im having 470cc unders natrelle hun xx


    i was like this – crying on the way down to theatre too! but everythings fine and honestly its so easy you get waited on hand n foot all day, staff are nice foods nice goodluck girls xx

    Lauren 1

    Im just a natural worrier hun, so i think maybe ive over researched and gotten myself worked up xxx


    Xxlh90xx I’m exactly the same I had the money last year and talked myself out of it, i read so much into it about connective tissue disorders, gel bleeding blah blah now I want them doing again my friend had hers done they look really good and had no problems, but now I keep thinking well what if all the people having them done now have problems in 5 years or so? I might wait a few years but don’t wanna leave it to late I’m 25 now lol x

    stuckeya -1

    beckymichelle: When I paid the remainder after the inital 500, I did ask what would happen if I got a cold and couldn’t have the op, or that it was a risk as I have a high rested heart rate and was told by head office that if I cancel due to medical reasons, I’d get my money back but I got the feeling that if I just changed my mind, I wouldn’t get a refund, nothing definate, just a feeling I had.

    xxlh: We all worry that something might go wrong, but there are so many positive stories on here and remember, the op isn’t too long, isn’t life threatening. Go for it!

    I’m fed up of feeling conscious when I go swimming, can’t wear really nice pretty bra’s, can’t wear halterneck or strapless dresses and I decided that I wanted to do this for me. Yeah, I guess as the weeks turn into days, I’ll be a nervous wreck, but I just keep thinking after a 50 minute op, how fab I will look after. Yeah I may end up with rippling, may end up with lots of swelling, they may not be perfect, they may be firm for a while, but if I don’t do it, I’ll always wonder ‘what if’.

    The internet is great for info and I did a lot of research but found MYA really friendly and helpful and I trust the surgeon who only does BA’s and has done over 5000 so he must know his work.

    Our bodies all heal differently, some are in hardly any pain, some in a bit of pain and some worse, but even those say day by day it gets easier. If this is something you want to do for you, then got for it xx

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