warning* for all pre op girls Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    if you want a honest un sugar coated version of my expierence feel free to inbox me.
    so many people claim on here that there journey was easy and im sure thats true.
    but if i had heard the honest truth of what may also a ba post op can be like i would of been more prepared.
    so i just want to let all u pre op girls know that im up for sharing woth u how not easy my journey was.
    so that u can be more realistic and have a better understanding.
    because if i had known all this i wouldnt of expected it to of been a walk in thepark aha x

    Nicole 1

    Hi I’ve bumped up a post I done several weeks ago which highlights what u r saying! I am with you on that one!


    Couldnt agree more my healing is still a work in progress my scars are taking forever, I was still on pain meds at three weeks post op and twice I’ve woke up in the night with pain on my left boob from where ive turned in my sleep and today my laft scar is sore think my bra bsnd rubbed on it while I slept and im 2 months post op, its not easy hun but you will start feeling better over the next few months x


    Hey ALB,

    I tried to pm you but it wouldn’t send for some reason……….I have my op in 3 weeks and worried about the recovery I have read so many different things on here from its a walk in the park to its awful! Would u mind sharing your experience with me? (Pm me if you don’t mind)

    Thanks Hun xxx

    Danielle 2

    I have mine in 3 weeks starting to worry now xxx

    Rose 1

    Everyone’s different but I sadly agree with u I moaned on so much about one thing or another after I had mine done I was doing my own head in let alone others. Some people sadly have it rough with pain sleeping allergic reactions etc. hope you feel better soon x


    its no disrespect to anyone who had it easy but i assumed i would have it easy and i truely didnt im npt tryna put everyone off the op but more educate them on what u may expierence that is not so blue skies x
    when i was pregnant everyone told me what to expect but no one told me what happens to ur body after the baby comes out.
    its the same with boob job no one tells u what to expect after the op the true recovery expierence from girls that didnt have a easy ride x
    i dont want to scare people just want to give them a insight that i wish i had x


    if any girls want to comment with there bad expierences feel free to itll be good for people like me who are pre op and want to know xx


    Message me and tell me please?!


    100% agree with this post!!!!! so many people seem to have it easy and obviously everyone recovers differently- but my recovery was awful and like you i definitely wasn’t prepared for how bad it was going to be. i know some people who have gone back to work after 1 week- but i’m now 2 weeks postop and really worried about going back to work on saturday as i don’t think my body can cope with it. i would definitely go through the pain all over again because it has obviously changed my life having boobs and made me so much happier, but it wasn’t easy and if i had known more about the recovery and the bad side, it would have helped a lot xx


    top 5 worst things for me-
    1) Drains removed
    2) pain after the op in chest
    3) back pain
    4) unability to be mobile
    5) tired cant sleep.

    must buy items:

    pj bottoms screw the tops i spent 4/5 days in bottoms and no tops just walk around in strapping.
    buy ibuprofen
    if i could go back id buy 4 v pillows two is not enough a quilt laid on sofa is good for ur bum
    and a neck pillow
    buy a fan for this hot weather.
    baby wipes a must
    keep hair tied up
    put a blanket over ur strapping when eating crumbs down strapping not nice
    a sheet is perfect a matress sheet instead of a quilt keeps u warm and cool
    baby wipes a must
    buy sweets or choclate keep sugar levels up if ur like me and a emotional wreck
    bottle of water

    move sofa in front of tv 😉 and get net flix aha

    sex life is out of the picture actually i had sex today it was like loosing my virginity slow and awkward aha

    warn loved ones ull be a moody sad cow aha
    kids get them away from u for the first week

    if u have a man get him to take time off…!..
    let them be the house wife… (rinse this moment girlfriends i sure have)

    remember ur boobs take 6 weeks to heal dont prang out if ur gunna worry then keep them covered dont ruin the excitment by nit picking at boobs that havent even reached the 6 week post op mark.

    wear a hoody after ur op there perfect.

    if people dont support u screw them..

    this op should be taken seriously but remember its ur body ur life ur happiness

    dont ever forget that ur going to be bigger and happier than u was before remember that when boob greed comes in.

    and remember u have us all. im a inbox away if u need someone to talk to xx

    i have been through a hard life and many things so i am filled with knowledge and advice.

    im 21 but i had to mature for my age so i know what lifes like..

    i just want u to all know that we are here for eachother.

    when ur alone or u family doesnt want to know u or friends jelouse and stop talking to u we are here ur not the only one x


    brilliant info babe thank you so much xx


    anytime hun xx

    Samantha 1

    I’d be surprised if anyone said that recovery is easy. I know you mean no disrespect to anyone, but to say that some people ‘had it easy’ was probably not the right way to phrase it.
    When coming round from surgery, I was a blubbering mess, I collapsed when trying to get up to go to the toilet, as my blood pressure dropped dangerously low. I needed another litre of IV fluids and oxygen, My nurse came and took my blood pressure every 10 minutes. I ended up staying an extra 3 hours longer then I could have in hospital. I had little pain, mainly tightness, aching and feeling sore. Not enough pain I felt warranted taking pain killers, defiantly not worth the constipation and bloating. The emotional stress you go through is like a bad case of PMS. The back ache is awful and had reduced me to tears until I could start sleeping on my side. The weird changes your boobs go through from your boobs and skin feeling like bubble wrap, the squidgy noises they make and feeling your implant move. They are all scary thoughts, they make you worry, but it’s all normal.
    It’s great to make people aware of the post op experiences they may go through and even though I had very little pain, I would say my recovery defiantly was not easy at all. Xx


    exactly i had so mant girls say to me last week its piss easy a walk in the park.
    only pain for a day or day 3 was bad…
    some said they could work and do everything and were back to normal daus after the op.
    and i had no need to worry how wrong was i.
    mine was nothing like that.

    i was expecting it to be as easy as i was told itll be it was hell for me worse than child birth not one person warned me or told me how bad it could be so i am sharing this for those who want to know what its like when its not as easy.

    everyone copes differnently but if i had known all this i would of been more mentally and physically prepared.

    its scary being in agony when ur told its going to be easier than u thought.

    so at least the unlucky ones like me have a better insight x

    im not tryna scare people just want to share my side x


    im saying samantha that people had told me personally that it was easy…
    and that is the right way to phrase it seeing as they had told me that them selves…


    Laura 12

    It’s crazy I can genuinely say I never experienced any pains at all just discomfort sleeping upright and being so bloated.. Maybe the excitement of it all took over for me!? For you to say childbirth was easier is unbelievable to me lol every day my pregnancy and birth was awful ending in emergency csection and putting me off any more kids for life whereas my BA was a breeze. Just proves we all cope different to different pain. Defo worth pre op girls seeing both sides and a realistic view what to expect. I wouldn’t have been at all prepared if I didn’t have such a smooth experience and recovery. Really hope it gets better for u soon xx

    Nikki 1

    I bet yours has been worse because of the size of implant you have had and your a small framed women, hope you feel better soon xxx


    I arrived at 8, went down at 9 & was back in my room for 10!! Burst into tears. Sat up & felt like somebody was sitting on my chest (20 stone muscle man) asked for more painkillers to which i got a tramadol. They almost forced me to drink the jug of water before i was allowed to leave. Was allowed to leave at 2.30 went back to the hotel got changed then went for a meal with my partner & walked to the nearest shop. Everytime i sat for to long i had 2 get my partner to help me up then go for a little walk. Had 3 hours sleep that night. Got picked up & drove home the next day. Had a bath etc. Woke up the next day could barely move. Felt sick constantly. Kept on top of my tablets. Cud barely eat. Felt so sorry for myself!! Woke up on the Monday walked to my nearest Asda & back in the rain. (took about an hour) then every day has got better & better. I’m almost pain free now. Had a quick recovery considering i had unders. I got 7 days worth of painkillers. Had 1 v-pillow & 4 pillows. Wore a nightshirt for bed. Didn’t have strapping. Didn’t need 2 drink with straws. I just think everybodys recovery is different. Some people are in agony for days/weeks & some are fine pretty much straight away. I have been quite lucky having read ur story. X


    aha yeah i know i gave birth to my son on one paracetamol and i was fime but this was terrible
    just shows how our bodies cope differneltly with pain xx

    yeah exactly my implants are 750 which can be to blame for the pain
    also expecting no pain didnt help.
    and i had a alergic reaction to the morphine which didnt help.
    but its important we all hear the good and the bad xx

    thanks for sharing ur expierneces girls im sure this will help others xx

    Kayleigh 1

    This is so good for other girls, I wish id seen this before I had mine done. I really wasn’t prepared, and even before my op a member of staff said what are your worries? And I said pain and she went pain?? What pain? Will just feel like a cat sitting on your chest!
    So I woke up feeling more like a hippo was on my chest, and was in agony for about 8 days and I’m only just feeling almost completely mobile now at 4 weeks PO. And the drains! genuinely the worst feeling ive ever felt! and im type 1 diabetic so i thought i could handle medical stuff more than the average person! i thought I was just a wuss after seeing how fine most girls were. But this thread has made me feel so much better to know that it wasn’t just me who experienced this. The weight of the implants on my body was ridiculous. I still can’t sleep on my side cause of it and pain xx


    Thus is the one part of the whole thing that concerns me is the after care and what best ways to recovery I’m hoping I wing b in too much pain

    Chloé -2

    I’m crossing my fingers I won’t have a bad recovery :(.. but until the time comes I will not know! Thanks for sharing with us though :). I’ve given birth twice with next to nothing in regards to pain relief and had a c section which to me wasn’t bad at all.. I recovered really well and the pain wasn’t bad at all! I would say though which I’ve been wanting to share, obvs where i was cut open is a completely different place to where we have our implants put in, my c section scar/area is still numb.. I also now and again feel a bit irritated on my scar! 7 years on.. but again everyone is different, just something to remember when having scars from incisions xxxxxx

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