Tuberous Breast Correction Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 5

    Hi , I am new to the forum but have been researching through similar threads but thought I’d start my own. I am pretty certain that I have tuberous breasts but I have not yet been diagnosed, but I do match with the characteristics of it, and have an appointment booked with my GP to talk about the matter. I am considering getting an operation as it has affected my life way too much, self-esteem issues especially where I would cry for days and not leave my bed and prevention of furthering relationships with guys etc. I just wish for a resolution. So I would very much appreciate if you girls would add me as a friend or if I could do the same back, and if it’s okay to see your before and after pictures just so I can get an idea to the end results and so forth. I would like to hear about your journeys and those who have yet to go on theirs as it will be reassuring to have others who are going through the same thing as me. Thanks all, Hannah x

    Fern 24

    Hi Hannah! Welcome 🙂 I’m tuberous also with severe aysymmetry, and after weight loss and years of hating the way I look, I finally decided to do something about it this year! I decided on Dr Linda Fiumara, she’s known for making a very natural look and shes a perfectionist with her stitching etc, she is also the loveliest surgeon I’ve met and I met with a few before but I realised straight away I wanted her to do my op! I havent got any after pictures as of yet as I havent had my surgery, but I will be uploading befores soon 🙂 just a bit of info,Dr Fiumara was telling me that most of the time Tuberous breasts require an uplift also, depending on the severity. So the price increases. xx

    Fern 24

    MYA do have a good rep hhn but I’m sure there are a fair few good surgeons in Ireland too! I would also research the surgeon you want to do your procedure as they only do their consultations on certain days and where you meet the pc first you could try to get your pic consulation and surgeon consultation on the same day so you aren’t constant back and forth as otherwise there can be a few weeks wait. Just an idea if you have that time frame in mind 🙂 for me I knew I wanted an op in June as I knew I would be busy with work till September so I arranged my first consultation in march and things seem to have moved quite quickly! Dr fiumara reccomended under the muscle as she doesn’t think I would take overs very well as my skin on my boobs is thin from yo yo weight loss as well as being tubular. She said I need high profile as tubular boobs need more projection at the top but being under the muscle would look very natural when she’s done provided all goes well! because I’m aysymetric I’m going to have 400cc in one and then either 325/350/375 cc in the other she’s ordered so many different implants she will see what looks most even on the day 🙂 and that should take me to a small d/dd hopefully. Although 400 is a big implant it appears smaller under the muscle or something and where I’m having an uplift too I need the little bit extra but I can’t go any bigger than 400 or I would have to have the uplift then 6 months later have the implant and I just want it all done in one go!. I’ve been to see her a few times with questions and each time she has been really lovely and chatty and willing to sit down and talk me through everything, I know some other surgeons can be a bit blunt and matter of fact and not very talkative but that doesn’t mean they aren’t fantastic at what they do. Try looking on Hun for the work the different mya surgeons have done and hopefully that can help you with your decision. Feel free to message me anytime if you have any questions I’m by no means an expert haha but going through this whole thing very quickly and in under a month I’ll have new boobs!xx

    Hannah 5

    @fernx Thank you so much, you have gave me more than enough information, I appreciate it! I hope it’s okay for me to stay in touch with you with any other queries I may have and if it’s no bother to send me your results via pm as it will really help me compare with other girl’s results who had TBD and my own, and then hopefully bring me closer to making my ultimate decision. I wish you the very best with your surgery, I’m sure they’ll turn out amazing! Talk to you soon! x

    Hannah 5

    Okay, thank you for responding @beckyxo ! I appreciate all of the information I’m given x

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