What is the breast band actually for??? Started by: Alexia

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  • Alexia 3

    Had my op yesterday with Dr Andrea and I have no strapping just a breast band that seems to be giving me the most pain.. Can’t I go without for a little??? What is it actually for xxx

    Beckii 50

    … I’ve not had one or my op yet but when researching I think it’s for support and helps prevent them sitting to high ( encourages them to drop and fluff ) anyone that has had strapping have been strapped at the top as well as the bottom ( the top bit acting as the band would) …. If your experiencing a lot of pain maybe check with your nurse and see if it’s ok to loosen it or have it off for a while x


    Hi Alexia I haven’t had my surgery yet but I’m interested to know about this band aswell. Having mine with Dr Andrea in September and he mentioned th band at consultation but don’t really know much about them. Did you have to buy one and take it with you as he didn’t say? Other than that how are you feeling? Hope all went well xx

    Alexia 3

    Thank you ladies I will see if I can bare it untill I see the nurse next week as I’m only on day 1.. I didn’t have to buy the band Hun I woke up and it was on! Hehe .. Dr Andrea is so lovely he really made me feel at ease as I had a really bad reaction when coming round from the anesthetic and was pretty scared!! Only on day 1 and still feeling majorly sick and in pain.. And my poor brother has been left to the task of rallying around for me (not that it will hurt him) 🙂 hehe. Xxx

    Courtney 7

    The band assists them in dropping. It slowly gets better and more comfortable the more you wear it, I’m 2 weeks post op. Andrea told me to wear it for 4 weeks.. It feels so much better when it’s off and if I go out somewhere I usually don’t wear it but I do in the house and sleeping x


    I only had mine on for 24 hours!! I couldn’t stand the pain! X


    Oh god reading this I’m getting concerned about the band lol. Glad it’s on when you wake up though so don’t have to do it myself. Haha my boyfriend has the job of looking after me he’ll be running a mile by the end of the week ha! Xx

    Glenn 9

    Hi girls,
    I had mine done yesterday with Andrea and also have the band. It’s the main source of pain. It’s so tight I’m finding it hard to breathe and it hurts my back. But he said it helps to keep the implants in place and also to wear for a month. I just hope it does get less painful :/

    Alexia 3

    Do any of you ladies have strapping with Andrea?? I had mine done yesterday to Hun we must of been there together.. I genuinely can’t breath I’ll wear it to sleep tonight but it’s coming off tomorrow never felt so much pain like it, can’t even manage my own knickers for the toilet at the moment (covers eyes) xx

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