What size to go for! Stats- 34a 5.7 and size 10 Started by: Casey Mackenzie

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    Hi girls!
    I’ve been to see Dr Mashhadi and booked for my surgery in November! The biggest thing for me is that is DONT want to be big. I’m terrified that I will look top heavy and chunky. I’ve been offered 300cc or 325cc HP sub facialar I know it’s minimal but what would you guys recommend? I don’t want to have anything bigger than a C MAX d, but I’m scared they are going too be too big.. I have got the rice sizers and trying them on with different things and I’m so confused . Any help would be much appreciated!!

    Pat Bay 4

    I was a 32A size 8 5’1 I am currently 2weeks and 3days post op, I had 400cc HP under my muscle. I am pleased with the size but could have gone a size up. My advise is to take the bigger size if you go with the smaller one you may wish u went bigger

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    I’m the same stats as you. I just had 275cc round mod plus overs and I absolutely love them. I also didn’t want to end up with huge boobs and for me they are absolutely perfect 🙂

    Lara 30

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    I was a 32AA, same height as you at 5’7″ and got 375 Ultra high profile unders, kind of wish I went 400cc but when my surgeon said they would be UHP, I chickened out as I’m very skinny with a narrow chest, size 6-8. If you want a max C and don’t want to risk being a D, ask your surgeon about the biggest implant to get a C for your breasts. If you have narrowed down to two sizes, go with the bigger one. I had narrowed mine to 350 and 375 and chose the bigger, so if you’re debating between 300 and 325 after trying them on, I’d say go for 325. 25cc isn’t a huge amount of difference anyway.


    Im 34 A, 5ft 8 and a size 10 top and size 12 bottom – I went for 350cc under round HP and had my op 9 days ago! Id say I’ll be a full c [i wanted a natural look too!]

    Jamie 55

    I’m exactly the same as you, I had 380 overs and if I’m honest I wish I went smaller about 320, purely and simply because I look much bigger and it’s taken a good year to get used to feeling and looking bigger than I am. Although I am very much in proportion now, I wanted to be a C/D and I measure at an E/FF although they don’t look that big they are bigger than a handful x

    Christina 4

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    I was a 34B (an empty B and slightly tubular). I went for 235cc to be a full C/D, depending on how they settle. I’m 1 week post op currently. Send me a message if you want any photos etc 🙂 xx

    Taylorj 7

    I’m 5ft 7, size 8 and was a 32A – I had 325cc mod plus, dual plane and I’m so happy with them!!. I think they’re perfect for my frame. They look around a C/D and measure D/E (how they look and bra sizes are completely different!!). X

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    Tracey 4

    Evening Christina I’m going for my op next Friday (eeeeekk) I’m currently a 36 a/b (empty b and tubular) and I’m having 375 implants how are yours settling down ? Would you mind me seeing your before and afters ?

    Heidi 17

    Hi, how have yours turned out? I have a date booked in! My surgeons said I wouldn’t be able to go bigger than 275cc for my case just wondered how someone with a similar build to me has got on 🙂


    I’m two weeks post op, I had 300cc over the muscle high profile!☺️ Not sure what size I will end up though x

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    Sarah Shep 7

    What did you do about your piecing have you put it back in ? I’ve got one I not sure what to do

    Annlee 8

    I thought the incisions will be under the crease of the breast to start with and when they drop it will be exactly in the crease of the breast. Is that not the case?


    I had 350cc under purely because u didn’t want they big ones in only 5 days po but wish I went bigger

    Josie 9

    I was empty 36b wanted to be about a D
    So went for 375 under muscle
    Only day 6 post op only pain now is on the incision but bearable

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    Hi there. ( Sarah in comments) I was wondering if you could help me out. I’m a 32/34 A Size 6 on top and bottom and am around 5’2. The surgeon said he wouldn’t go bigger than 275 I think. I was wondering if I could see what your before and after photos look like if you wouldn’t mind me asking.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Lisa Gibson 5.

    Iv been thinking the same!!! I’v just booked a consultation I hope you can put it back in ?

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