Woke up to this…… Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 26

    I am just over 6WPO and I’ve woke up to stretch marks and I’m devastated. How can this of happened. Does anyone know if I keep putting stretch mark lotion on will it fade??

    I’ve got to the stage where I hate them now because of this small stupid thing!

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    Lauren 26

    This isn’t what they look like if people are wondering shape of my boobs. I had 400cc HP UNDERS. With Dr Netri.

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    Becky 3

    Wow! They look amazing.
    Don’t be down because of the stretch marks. Use bio oil continuously on them and they will for sure fade xo

    Beth 59

    Keep putting bio oil on Hun xxxx

    Charlotte 9

    Hi Lauren.
    I’m using bio oil-4 days into it and I’ve seen a difference already in m stretch marks. Mine are quite bad but I had mine before the op as I lost a lot of weight and my boobs shrank.
    Use it 2 a day and I’m sure you will see a difference too.
    Don’t let it bring you down. Your boobs look great! Xx

    Lauren 26

    Ill keep putting it on, It literally happened over night, doesn’t help that my weights gone up since surgery and dont know why! put on a bloody stone haha. Thanks girls.

    Know its only something so little but i have stretch marks all over my legs and i hate them, now they on my bloody boobs haha. Just hoping they dont get worse xxx

    Olivia 30

    I’m about 9 weeks po and iv recently got stretch marks and there’s loads now. I wake up to new ones everyday and it’s really getting me down. I use rescue oil twice a day but it’s not working:(


    Hey ladies I would defo reccomend coco butter or shea butter as natural and raw as possible . Bio oil has a massive list of ingredients that are mainly mineral chemicals which are synthetic (not pure).

    When reading ingredients lists the ones at the start are mainly what the product is made from. If your finding it’s working by all means thats great but coco/shea butter not only softens it also penetrates deeper into ur layers and fades scarring naturally.


    Drink loads of water ladies to keep hydrated! Can also recommended palmers cocoa butter, worked a treat for me during both of my pregnancies!! Good luck and keep smiling, they will fade xx

    Lauren 26

    i have ordered both a new bottle of Bio Oil, and Palmers coco butter for stretch marks. I hope it helps! So strange how they just suddenly appeared! x x x

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