Worried about sizes!! Started by: Lou May

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  • Lou May

    Hey guys! I’m a little upset as I’ve just been told by my surgeon that I can only go to a C or small D. I am an A/AA right now and I was hoping for at least a definite D (might be wishful thinking I know lol). I’d be having 300cc (325cc if they could fit) dual plane HP. I know everyone is different but seen so many girls go from AA to DD with like 400cc! So I was taken back when I was told mine won’t stretch enough.
    I just feel like they won’t be what I was looking for and I just want to be happy. I know my surgeon knows best so I didn’t argue it but do you think I should go for a 2nd opinion or do you think they will all say the same?

    Thank you everyone xx


    I can’t help you much but they go off the tissue you have so if you have extra tissue they will be able to go bigger as it’s making sure the tissue isn’t stretching too much. So if you are A/AA with not much tissue they can’t go as big but if you’re A/AA with more tissue they can do it bigger. For example I’m booking in for Feb 2024 and I’m an A but I have tissue and I’m looking for D same as you and it’s possible but only because I have extra tissue or I’d be lucky to get a C cup. I hope that helps x

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