HELP!!! Major size concerns…. Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey everyone,

    I had my consultation with Gary Traynor yesterday and I’m sooo disappointed with the max size he is allowing me to go. He said the max is 350cc, which is only a 2 cup size increase! I’m a 32B but wanted to be a 30E. They are going to be nowhere near as big as I wanted them. I just don’t want to be disappointed, I’ve waited for this for so long. I am currently a 32B, size 6/8, 5”4. I’ve seen girls on here with the same stats as me, or even more petite than me that have been allowed a lot bigger! Has anyone had a similar experience to this? What was the outcome? I’m trying to fight for bigger. I’ve emailed by patient coordinator, just waiting to see what she says.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks everyone xxx

    Ps. I’m having high profile overs

    Lara 30

    Sorry to hear, that’s a pity, I would suggest a second opinion with a different surgeon. I directly asked my surgeon if there was a max size for my frame, as I’m skinny size 6, was a 32AA and flat as a pancake so I assumed I would not be able to go very big due to lack of skin tissue. He didn’t say there was a “max size” and let me try on all the implants up until 400CC. I initially choose 350CC and later changed to 375cc unders (I wasn’t able to have overs). He didn’t talk about profile but choose it for me based on my chest measurements (which was UHP as I have a very narrow chest).

    If you are a 32B, I would think you would be able to go much bigger than 350, I’m not sure if overs influence max size. I would suggest asking the patient coordinator if you can have a consultation with a different surgeon to at least have a better idea of what you can have. My friend had hers done at Mya with Dr Traynor who offered her 3 sizes a few years ago, she loves her boobs but says she wishes she went bigger as the max he offered her was 325cc (she was 32B).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Lara 30.

    I would get a second opinion. It would be such a shame to go to all the expense and time it takes to recover only to be disappointed with the size. I was 34A and got 480cc overs full profile and textured to prevent rippling. For the first week they looked quite small and I was starting to feel gutted but now 3 weeks PO they are a really good size and PS says they will look bigger once they have dropped and fluffed. If they had stayed the size they were in the first week I would have been devastated. If you know you want to go bigger find a reputable PS you trust who will do it for you. I think it’s so important that you get exactly what you want.

    Ellen 13

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    Hey, im 5,4 size 8 and was a 34a. I had 325cc unders and am currently 4wpo. Im now atleast a 32e. I think the outcome really varies!

    Lauren 17

    I was a 34b I had 350cc I’m now a 32DD xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Lauren 17.
    Rebekah 174

    I’m a size 6 7stone7 and I had 450cc xx

    Laura 6

    My op was with Mr Traynor. I was 32/34b and was offered up to 400cc but I am much taller than you and have wide shoulders. I only went with 375cc and wish I would have gone bigger now. At first after the op they felt huge but now they have settled I could have definitely got away with bigger without them looking too fake. He’s a great surgeon but if is size you are after then I think you’ll maybe find 350cc too small. I’m in 34DD with the 375cc

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Laura 6.

    I’m currently a 32a clothes size 4/6, I’m getting 425cc high profile unders in September. Can’t wait!! I’d try another surgeon and see what they say 🙂


    Thanks everyone for your replies, it helps so much! Judging by what everyone has said it seems that it really does vary! I definitely want to go with Mr Traynor as I absolutely love his work. I have booked in to see him again to see if there’s anyway at all he’ll go bigger. That way at least I know I tried and I can’t be disappointed. Thank you everyone xx

    Laura 6

    I had my op with Mr Traynor yesterday and he offered me 300, 325 or 350 so I went for 350! I was a 32B before and I like the size of them! I loved his work so I think I would’ve gone with whatever size he said to be honest but if it’s size you want maybe have a consultation with another surgeon to compare! I’ll attach a picture from mine today (1DPO) they look swollen but you’ll get an idea of size! I had 350cc high profile over the muscle xx

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    Thank you so much Laura, that is so helpful to see photos, especially that you are similar stats to me and had 350cc HP overs! They look ahmazingggg. I’m deffo going with Mr Traynor as every pic of his work I just love! Xx

    Laura 6

    No problem babe! Photos of other people really helped me. I’m still shocked at how smoothly the surgery has gone too! If you want updates message me whenever xx


    Had my consultation with Dr traynor today what a lovely man. I’m going for 350cc but now wonder if I should go for 400cc… how much of a difference will it be. I’m satisfied with his opinion I just don’t want to regret not asking for bigger xx I’m a 32a now and want to be a d cup.


    Thank you so much Laura. Your boobs look unreal by the way! Xx


    Hey Deborah, he is lovely isn’t he?! Did he offer you 400cc? X

    Cole 24

    I think you will probably achieve about an E with 350.

    I was really flat and I’ve got 325 and I’m a double D now and I wasn’t expecting that at all.

    I would definitely trust GT, couldn’t say enough good about him. I’m 9 months PO and you go through all the stages of wish I’d of gone bigger but it’s all passed now and I’m really happy I trusted him.

    If you’re a B and you’re having 350 you’ll without a double achieve bigger than a DD I was an A.


    Thank you everyone soo much for your advice and tips, it’s been so so helpful. I saw Mr Traynor again today and to my complete surprise he has allowed me to order 350, 375 and 400cc implants and said we will decide on the day. Basically he’s just going to see what he can fit in. Just proves if you don’t ask you don’t get! I feel so much happier now, definitely would’ve regretted it if I hadn’t asked xxx


    I have my surgery with mr Traynor on 10th September. I am 5”9 size 14 and my weight fluctuates between 12-13stone I’ve been offered 350-450cc. I really expected to be offered bigger due to being a bigger build. After reading this I think I’m going to book a second consultation with him to see if he will go bigger xx


    Dr traynor didn’t offer me 400cc… but I’m happy with his judgment. I’m so excited to have them done. Roll on the 2nd of October…. ready for Xmas. The best Xmas present I’ll ever have. xx

    Alex 17

    I went from 34A and had 350cc HP Overs ☺️ I reckon once they settle I’ll be around a D/DD

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    katie2510 17

    Do you think mine look small? I feel they are really small today 🙁

    katie2510 17

    8days po

    katie2510 17


    katie2510 17

    Wont let me upload:-(

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by katie2510 17.
    katie2510 17

    Will try later

    Alex 17

    Get a photo compression app on your phone, it makes the picture file smaller so you will be able to upload x

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Alex 17.
    katie2510 17

    Thanks for advice Alex just done it hope they upload now

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    katie2510 17

    Feel really small to me 🙁

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    katie2510 17

    Before and 8 days after

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    Alex 17

    I think they look great! Very perky, think you’ll still look nice and elegant in tops without looking over the top!

    katie2510 17

    I just had in my head they were going 2 be bigger 🙁


    Hey Poppi you definitely should ask for a second consultation if you’re not happy with the sizes you’ve been offered I think they are more likely to go higher on a second consultation as it means you’ve had time to think about it and you’re really sure about what you want.

    I had my surgery yesterday and Mr Traynor managed to fit the 400cc in! I can’t believe it, I’m so happy and so pleased I pushed for it xx

    Hollie 38

    I was 32b beforehand and had 375 overs and now measure a 30E at Boux Avenue x


    That’s amazing Hollie. I ended up having 400cc but they don’t even feel big! But I’m only 5 days post op, I know they can change so much. I’m just so impatient! X


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    Here are my boobs 2 weeks post op, 400cc hp overs. As you can see I had some quite bad bruising. They are still really sore but I have better days than others. I just can’t wait for them to drop and fluff. They still look so stuck on, but I don’t want them to get any smaller!! Xx

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