Incisions!!!! Started by: carly

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  • carly

    Anyone ever feel like there incisions have come open??? Im 11days po and under my right boob (where the incisions has been made) feels so sore like its come open. I still have steri strips on them so cant see anything. I am due back 2 see the nurse 2night but just wondered if this was normal or something 2 be worried about??? xxx


    oh dear no I haven’t hope ur ok. But when I had my steri strips removed it pulled the scab off and it come back ipen a bit. But it healed really quickly x

    kelly 1

    im 7 weeks post op tomorrow, both my incisions opened up around 1mm a week ago, dont know why as they healed beautifully after 1 week\!!! peeing me off still not being able to wear a bra.

    Jayde 1

    @lilliesmommy when ur incision opened a bit did the nurse put anything back on it? I had my dressing taken off yesterday had a shower for the first time today and I’ve just noticed a little opening at the end of my scar! Did she leave yours or put some more steri strips on? Xx


    Yeah babe she put a post op plaster on. And said I could remove it in four days. I took it off and it was healed xxxx

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